This stone statue of the famed Holy Brick of Solomon might do.
A better idea – make your own statue by actually learning blender and edge loop modeling and the like. A computer model won’t change atheist’s minds, of course, so you wouldn’t bring anyone closer to god. I don’t want to get closer to god D: he might smite me for not believing in him.
Wouldn’t that be sort of “blasphemous,” seeing as the human body is shameful and should be hidden? Maybe close your eyes while exporting and using retopo to add clothes xD
Well, I think if you want to change the people you must change yourself first. Find the God in yourself and express it in the Blender, in a way - help yourself and God will help you!
There was some Blender works already made on that theme. My favourite is Endi’s “Cross Crucifiction”. I don’t remember its original title, but the message of the Truth in that image is so powerful in its simplicity that it’s really hard to make it stronger (that’s why church authorities wouldn’t like it I guess). :yes:
Anyway, that thread should be in the Off Topic forums & guys please do not start just another stupid war again! Peace brothers!
You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth
Anybody seen the TV version of This American Life? They had a great piece about a terrific Mormon painter who, despite his rather conservative religious beliefs, had to spend all his time with homeless vagrants and hippies, because in Salt Lake City those are the only people who have impressively acceptable Jesus beards.
Perhaps if you found a forum that is interested in the same ideas of what scared art is as you ,then ask for artists. That way you won’t invite an avalanche of cheap shots from people who don’t see things quite the same as you. I must admit I spent a few hours last night resisting posting a model of buddha and making some immature I’m better than you are comment.
@dannyxyz22, I too recommend learning to model yourself, I think you could express yourself better through your own creations.
Blender has all the tools you need,
And there are other forums where I’m sure most of the people would be more helpful.
Sometimes its hard to believe that this site is still a support forum for a 3d modeling and animation suite.