So - To achieve the model in the attached Blend file, I followed the steps below. My problem is described in a sentence in bold right at the bottom of the following steps:
Scale default cube, extrude it, etc. to get the shape of my house
Turn on auto merge vertices, select parallel edges and press “S”X” (or “Y”) 0 RTN” to get the roof
In object mode, apply all transformations
Select the roof faces and duplicate its and separate it into a new object. Then hide it from view for the time being
Take the edge running around the base of the house, duplicate it, separate it to its own object.
Select the new object and extrude the edge on the Z axis.
Select everything and recalculate outside the normals
Select the bottom edge and scale it on its own axis (“optionS” on MACOS) slightly to model a single clapboard
Apply a solidify modifier, then an array modifier and you get the clapboard siding
Apply a boolean modifier to the clapboard siding using intersect, fast approximation and the original house (default cube) as the intersecting object
Then in edit mode, scale the default cube/base house on its own axis along its own normals (“OptionS” on a Mac) ever so slightly and so that it intersects with the clapboard siding. If you hide the base cube from view now and set the visibility to wireframe in the viewport.
You should now just have the clapboard siding.
** > when you unhide the roof from view, in theory it should still line up perfectly over the clapboard siding. Then I could apply a solidify modifier.**
** > But the roof is slightly unaligned along the Y or X axis and I don’t know why it is so, or how to fix it perfectly. **
Are you able to help at all please?
house.blend (923.8 KB)