Resilience Satelle

:warning: DANGER :warning:
Production Hat On

How to render for Stereoscopic 360º VR?

The big picture:

  • Stereoscopic 360º VR works by rendering two equirectangular panoramas, one for each eye, and placing them one on top of the other (after setup Blender does this automatically).


  • Youtube and Vimeo can encode 360º VR up to 8192 * 8192 resolution.
    8K seems to be very far in the future (at least for us), so let’s keep by the minimum for now, 4K. Following this, we get for each eye some staggering 4096 * 2048 pixels

NOW :face_with_monocle: Although this seems a lot… by the end user perception, it actually ain’t :thinking:
At a given time we don’t want to see the full panorama, we just want to see what is in front / left / right / back / top / bottom of us, depending the direction we are looking at :slight_smile:

…That means that, for each eye, the actual resolution we take from a 4K panorama is no more than 1024 * 1024 pixels. Considering that most of the desktop VR googles can play 1440 * 1600 per eye, 4K get’s a bit stretched… but not much. :thinking: There is no way we can render more than 4K on our current hardware.
…In fact I’m even considering rendering at 3840 * 3840 at 30 FPS, which would give a real resolution of 960 * 960 pixels at a given time.

…And it gets a bit worse :pensive:
The most common VR equipment people have ain’t the expensive desktop googles, but the cell phones ones, like Google Cardboard and such. As far I know, even the most modern and expensive cell phones can only play up to 3840 * 2160. so this is the actual maximum resolution for today common VR hardware:

Wich, following the above math, gives a real resolution of 540 * 540 per eye.
…People in cell phones will see Resilience Satelle like coming from a DVD… I used to see movies from a VHS tape, that was half of this, so it may work :roll_eyes: