Resilience Satelle

Hello guys!!
Today I finished texturizing the storage house.
Even today I will prepare the plan for the next house.

Hope you like it!!

Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello! :slight_smile:
The island is now heading towards the West mountains. Still a lot of holes :hole:, but it starts to look more like the concept paint.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Best regards

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Hello guys!

Today I finished another modeling. Tomorrow I intend to finish the texturing and so complete the work with this house , being able to start a new one.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hey there!
The Mushroom Island :mushroom: is almost closed:

It’s just missing some mountains in the old west side, even at snail speed :snail: this thing seems to be coming to a conclusion.
( note to self: this new forum just has too much emoji options :face_with_monocle:, one can get lost on these :smirk_cat: )

Best regards

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Hello guys!

I finished texturizing another house. Even today I will draw the draft for a new one and begin its modeling. To point out that these will not be as detailed as the first ones due to the fact that they will not be close of the main action , but I will still give them all a special touch.

Hope you like it!!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I started modeling another new house. So far I have established where the windows and doors would be, put some ornaments on the roof and made the base of the platform that supports the houses. I hope Monday already have finished this phase and start texturizing.

Hope you like it!

Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
I’ve completed the mushroom Island modeling:

After completing the low-poly version (10k triangles) I’ve then sculpted a high-poly version (5M triangles). On the screens you see the sculpt without any decimation, but for we have this thing operational it will be brought down to a friendly 200k to 300k triangles mesh.

Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I have almost finished the modeling of the house, all I need to do is to make a basic and simple interior and the chimneys.
Tomorrow I hope I have finished all the work on it.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

And so I finished work in this house.
Today I modeled the basic interior and proceeded for texturing.
Even today I will make the plan for the next residence :slight_smile:

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!!

Today I started modeling another house. I was able to put the basic ornaments on the roof, give the general shape of the house and put the windows and doors.
Tomorrow I hope to have finished all the work and start a new one.
Hope you like it!!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello friends!
I’ve the pleasure to announce that the Mushroom Island is now modeled and ready to texture.
From the original 5 million plus triangles it now has about 200 k which seems a good compromise between definition and memory/cpu/gpu usage.

From the original model I’ve backed an 8K normal and occlusion map (on blender 2.79):

That once loaded in blender 2.8 Eevee looks exactly the same than the sculpted version :slight_smile:

I’ve rendered it in 3D for all of you that happen to have some anaglyph glasses arround :sunglasses: :clinking_glasses:

Best regards

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Hey there fellow blender artist! :slight_smile:
Now that we have a scenery (it’s all white but still a scenery) and some houses it’s time to start adding them to see if they play well together :thinking:

For the sky, for now, I’m using an add-on called “Real Sky”:

It’s easier and more flexible to use than HDRi images and it looks more cartoony :slight_smile:

The memory seems to be still reasonably low (3Gb aproximatedly) and all seems ok at this moment:

:grinning: kind of it is working as expected.

Best regards

Hello guys!
Today as I had planned I finished all the work in this house. Tomorrow I start modeling a new one.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hey there,

Production hat on:
Today I’ve started to plan the final storage device that the project will be released on… and because I just love math :lying_face: these were my calculations:

Because math isn’t always easy to understand I’ll translate :stuck_out_tongue:
The idea is having the project released on an USB stick, but not just any USB stick that one erase to save the family photos afterwards :smirk: … no, no, no, I just hate that. I’m planing a collective item that one will enjoy to store on the shelf for later and that is deeply connected with the product.

Because this is intended to be a mixture of games with movies (if all works out), then the USB stick will also follow the same idea, a mega combo of a tape with a cartridge :slight_smile:

One day I’ll design it hehe

Off with the production hat!
Best regards

Hello guys!

Today I started modeling another house. Tomorrow I will not be able to advance work but I expect Monday to be all finished, then continue to a new one.

Hope you like it!!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

This week will end with water :slight_smile:
The material is working nice, perhaps just the water object it self now needs some adjustments. Also I’ll need to have at least two materials for the water, one for the lake and one for the streams that needs to be faster. I’ll try to render a video for you to see it in motion :slight_smile:


Hello guys!

As I had foreseen, I was able to finish all the work with this house! Today I will begin to make the sketch for another one that will come next!
Hope you like it !!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!

Today I finished another house.
This is simple because it would be a storage house.
Even today, I will draft the next one.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!!

Here I finish another house that was delayed a little but I managed to recover the time.
Tomorrow I will put a new one. These will be faster to be finished because they are meant to compose the scenery, I will not have to make the interior and then it is less a piece of work to be done.

Hope you like it!!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello friends!
Like Mr. Schwarzenegger would say “We’re Back!”
I’ve been playing with the Far Far away landscape… It’s a tough nut to crack :face_with_raised_eyebrow: what happened to the Mist option? What voodoo we now need to make to have some simple and fast mist similar to the 2.79 one :worried:

The “Real Sky” add-on as some node based mist options… I’ll need to investigate more on this.

Best regards