Resilience Satelle

:warning: Production Hat On :warning:

Now… :thinking: How awesome would it be if “Resilience Satelle r.i.c.e.” would be released on the day:

22-2-22 at the 22:22:22

· · ──────── ·𖥸· ──────── · ·

:roll_eyes: You may ask if is it possible!?

It is.

…If both me and my wife would work full time on it.
Achieving this “tinny” detail would be a release date I could commit to. :neutral_face: :expressionless:

Hello guys!

Today I continued to detail the textures of the captain’s clothes. I managed to finish the pants, belt, gloves and boots.

Tomorrow I will start the coat, then go to the hat and finally the captain himself.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

…meanwhile, sharing yesterday progress, the Blacksmith is more than happy to start hammering! :slight_smile:
The rig ain’t complete yet, but it’s at about 90%

Hello guys!

Today I was painting the coat, which gave me a huge fight to get it. But in the end I managed to paint a large part of it. Now I just need to detail and then I will go to the hat and the captain’s fur.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello friends!
The rigging of the Blacksmith is complete! Here’s a demo video:

I remember that these are secondary characters, that although may be seen up close, they won’t be seen for a long time :sweat_smile:

… Even so, any feedback is very welcome :smiley:
I’m not a rigging Super Star like the Legendary Juan Pablo Bouza (the main characters rigger) but I think that for the secondary guys I still make the cut! :laughing:

Best regards

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Hello guys!

I’m almost finished with the details of the captain’s coat. This coat, although it doesn’t look like it, is giving me a lot of work to get the color right and put the details.

As soon as I finish it I will immediately go to the hat and finally the hair. I hope to finish painting this week.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello friends!
Here he is! :cowboy_hat_face:
The Blacksmith is already forging!

Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I finished detailing the captain’s coat and hat.
I started to paint the fur and finally I will go to the eyes.
I hope tomorrow the painting is finished.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


amazing work here. Watching this thread.

Hey @sumandatta!
Thanks :grinning: We’re very happy to welcome you aboard! Any doubt feel free to ask that we’ll reply a.s.a.p.!
All the best!

Hello guys!

Today I finally finished Captain Mauricio’s painting.
Tell me there … isn’t he cute?
From here, the leadership is taken by Rogério Perdiz, who will prepare him for him to come to life. Rogério will put a skeleton on him and soon we will see him sailing :smiley:

For now I will start the outline of the next character and Monday I will show you.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I started another sketch of a character for the project.
I started a female character this time.
She will be the village florist and I named her Julieta :sunflower: :wilted_flower: :sunflower: :blush:

The sketch is finished, I hope tomorrow to start modeling.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

meanwhile… because there are many ballons this captain must be in :nerd_face: I’ve been making experiments with the old Sega Megadrive and Super Nintendo pallete color swap trick:

And I take the chance to talk about how we are doing the Specular and Metalness maps for all the characters… but let’s start by the beginning.

Since Blender 2.8 that we can no longer bake specular maps. Metalness we never even had that feature, so these two maps we have no current way to bake them, therefore:

…So how to define Specular and Metalness values!? :thinking:
:cowboy_hat_face: Fortunatly we have a very handy source of mapping/pixel intensity values that are the Vertex Colors:

Metalness map and Specular maps respectivly :slight_smile:

For saving memory and easiness of editing, all the secondary characters will share the very same shader.

Best regards

Hello friends!
OK, so now it’s time to bring the bones to the captain.

One thing I always do is remove the eyes from their sockets and place them 1 meter in front of the character :laughing: the hat and all the other loose parts too … I apologize for the most susceptible fellow.

:nerd_face: This is because we want to do the skinning as much automatically as possible and if we leave the eyes in place when we do the “Assign automatically form bones” thing the eyes and eyelashes get all mixed up. This way it stays perfect out of the box. The same goes for everything else that ain’t watertight.

Note that I too hidden the lower jacket, again for the same reason, we don’t want the jacket bones to deform the legs and vice-versa.

Btw, always pay attention to your axes :slight_smile:

I remember that this was one of the things I neglected when I was starting and that will always hit you hard by the back!

Edit ( 1 hour or so after):
Captain Mauricio rigging is almost complete :star_struck::

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Hello guys!

Today I started modeling the new female character.
She will be the village florist.
I started with the inner dress and adjusted the frills. Tomorrow I will make the vest and the apron and then go on to the shoes.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

:warning: Production Hat On :warning:
Hello friends!

This post is specially dedicated to all the fearless daredevils out there :slight_smile:
I’m looking for investors, experienced in the virtual reality animation business, to the “Resilience Satelle r.i.c.e.” project.

If you see that this project may be of interest I encourage you to send me an e-mail:

I’m willing to share a good percentage of the revenue, so, if you feel that you can embark on an adventure full of dangers let’s, together, face the fearsome caves, full of stalactites, to triumphantly reach the gates of the future! :cowboy_hat_face:

Best regards
Rogério Perdiz

Hello friends!
I’ve recorded the inspection of the Captain’s rig. It’s at 99% :slight_smile: Just a few fixes and we’re good to go!

Hey again friends!
Ready for the Captain!? :relaxed:

Lighting comes from Pure-Sky 3.1 but it was rendered with transparent background so I could paint one on Gimp.

My congratulations to @Rute_Perdiz! This is her second character, since ever :scream_cat:
Excellent work!


Hello guys!

Today I continued to model the village florist.
I’ve already managed to make the vest and the ribbon with a bow.
Tomorrow I will make the apron and shoes.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello guys!

Today I modeled the apron and necklace of the village florist.
I put the frills on the apron and detailed the necklace.
Tomorrow I will make the shoes and finally the hair and then simplify the geometry and start painting the textures.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz