Restaurant complex

Hi guys. Here`s my latest commercial work, done with Blender.

Modeling: Blender.
Trees/bushes: tree[d]
Grass modeling: Blender
Rendering: Corona
Post: a bit of curves in Photoshop
Thanks for watching.

I can’t believe no one has responded. This is very realistic and your lighting is very nice.

Thank you.
Unfortunately, I had only one day and night to finish everything, so this work looks…a bit unfinished.

Not so bad.


-Why Corona and not Cycles ?
-The Windows is mutch to bright.
-The wallmaterial is to glossy, looks like plastic instead of wood.
-Tip: Render masks of windowsglass, wallmaterial, vegetation,… This way you can do some significant Postproduction very quick in Photoshop.

Kind regards

Looks nice. A question - how did you use corona? I thought that there’s no way to use it inside blender. The leaves could use more variation and the roof should have some kind of bump or displacement.