_RestrictData workaround?

I just came across this problem with _RestrictData when the add-on loads. I understand why this problem shows up, as I have read some other threads regarding this problem, though I still don’t get how to fix it. One of the properties defined in the bpy.types.panel class requires bpy.data.materials.

My question is, what is the best workaround for this?



Panels can’t have properties. They are either declared globally (bpy.props), on an object-basis (ID properties), or inside operator classes.

Context and data restriction is only an issue if you try to use a default value in a global property which is based on a certain object, e.g.


You shouldn’t do something like that in the first place, but if it’s absolutely necessary for you, I can post a hacky workaround.

Hmm, okey. I have had properties in my panel class and it have worked, though I guess you shouldn’t because its a bad structure of the code and it maybe doesn’t work in some cases. Anyways, what I wanna do is I wanna create a list of all the materials in the scene. I thought using the enumproperty would work good here, but I can’t reach bpy.data.materials at startup. Is there a smarter way of creating this list of materials that will be visible in the panel, or should I use that hacky workaround you mentioned?^^


You can use a dynamic enum property, see e.g. here

Works great! Just for curiosity, what does a pointerproperty do more exactly? Is it a way of creating a property from the bottom or something?


You basically use it to nest other properties, see the API docs:


Okay, thanks!