Retarget animation from Emptie to Rig with same bones in Blender 4.1

Hey, thanks for opening this post,

I have animated Empty object and a Rig with same bone names and same structure (I got them from the same provider),

Now I need to pass the animation from Emptie to the Rig.
What would be the best way of doing that in Blender 4.1?

I installed that promising add-on Empties to Bones, but it didn’t manage to transfer it.

thanks in advance, much love!

This is a little script that will add a Copy Transforms constraint to the bones in an armature.

It will try to find an object with the name of each bone. Then add the constraint if the object is found.

import bpy

arm =['Armature']

for bone in arm.pose.bones:
    name =
    if name in
        copy_transform ='COPY_TRANSFORMS') =[name]

If the animation looks ok when the constraints are in place, you can bake it down to it’s own Action.

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thanks - this actually works, all the best to you!

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