(☠ Retired) Neltulz - Edge Curve Plus 1.0.7 - Blender 2.8+

Neltulz is it not possible to implement an ‘unhindered’ loop creation command as the one in Dobarro’s small video (shown in the 17 s. of it) below? He showed the video but as far as I know he abandoned the idea. Having such a tool would be very useful in some modeling cases though.


Sorry. I am still not that skilled with python yet. If someone more skilled with python would like to help me with this, I would be happy to implement it.

But also, this add-on is functionally different than what is being asked for in the video. This add-on works by looping through all edges that are selected, and then inserting an edge loop through each edge, and then applying flow afterwards.

So, in order to implement what is being asked for, I would have to create a separate tool for this:

  • 1 Tool for inserting loops with flow with the visual indicator displayed in the video above…
  • 1 Operator for the current functionality which is to iterate through every selected edge and insert loops through them with flow.

So, in short… I would have to do a bunch of work to create a tool that doesn’t really do what the add-on was intended to do in the first place.

I have been thinking about absorbing this add-on into my Neltulz - Bonus Utilities add-on because I haven’t had the need to do any feature updates to this add-on in quite a while because it pretty much does everything I ever intended it to do…

At this point, I see possible updates in optimizing its performance, as I am sure I am performing object/edit mode switches, which is generally frowned upon.

Thanks for the so detailed answer Neltulz! I, personally, am totally ignorant regarding programming. I am a simple user. In the past, being immersed in some modeling tasks, I came across cases that such a tool, as the one in Dobarro’s video, could be very useful. So I decided to ask here. That’s all! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not a problem! :slight_smile: I am trying to get better every day with python, and creating a “Tool” with live visual indicators, modifier keys, and on-screen text, is the logical next step for me, since it is unexplored territory.

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Yeah, you’ll have to use the github link. I removed it from there because I just want people to be able to get these for free now. (They were already free even through gumroad, donating was optional). I believe I merged this into my Bonus Utils add-on.