I am having trouble using retopo. I can’t get it anything to stick to the second object (Painting, adding vertices, projecting another mesh). I’ve been playing around with it the last 2-3 weeks and was able to get something erratically by going back and forth clicking the retopo buttons and following thistutorial.
Now I can’t get anything. Everything I draw or project just ends up on the same plane. I’ve made "sure that the “Limit Selection to Visible” button is turned off. Is there anything that the following tutorials are missing, like a special way to select both objects?
Try removing any non-mesh objects from the scene, like lamps, camera, Empties etc (or simply start on a blank layer). I’ve noticed that these can confuse Retopo.
GOT IT! I can do both examples on the wiki now. I followed the pagoda tutorial and it worked, still not sure why it didn’t before:o. The trick for projecting an existing mesh onto another that I was missing was that the mesh you’re projecting can only be vertices and lines, NO FACES. That was what was screwing me up. Now I can use retopo in “Edit Mode” and grab, scale, etc. and they all ‘stick’ to the other mesh. This is a really great tool!
Yes it is supposed to link to an exe. It is a smacker video file made with Rad Video Tools.
It does not need a player because it is self contained in it’s own player. It should work under wine, but I’m not sure. If anyone would be willing to test it and let me know, that would be great;).