Retopo in Blender 4.1.0

Blender snapping has changed many times, a lot of Blender retopo YouTube videos are out of date.

Are there any 4.1.0 retopo videos anyone can recommend? I’m learning retopo in Blender 4.1.0 for the first time.

filter the search by date in youtube…

There isn’t a lot to cover, basically two things were added recently that make retopo easier :

  1. nearest surface snapping, which snaps an element to the nearest surface (instead of projecting it, like the “face” mode does)
    This means that you can wrap entire body parts around the basemesh easily even if they’re facing away. eg an arm or a leg, just extrude your edgeloop and hold ctrl.
  2. retopo distance bias, in overlay while in edit mode. This pops the edit mesh in front of anything else (you may have to tweak the value) so you can always see your retopo above your basemesh

Then there’s the addons, but I don’t use those