I made this head with bad topography just so I could test the retopo features. It’s looking pretty good so far, so I’ll probably finish it, and maybe use the sculpt tools on him.
The one that looks like a robot is the original of course, which I made quite quickly.
would be awesome with blend file…
Retopo has been giving me some trouble- whenever I draw, Blender immediately crashes… This was months ago though, and I had very little RAM then. I could probably run it well now. Nice job on the mesh.
I got some occasional crashing with the draw feature too, but i made this, just by extruding the new topography in 2D in front of the original face, then hitting retopo>retopo all.
No crashing here, just no result. After I draw I hit enter, everything de-selects and drawn lines disappear.
Anyone else having this problem on RC1. Same problem on Intel Mac and WinXP.
Sorry, novice here but I don’t understand what is going on up in the forehead. How can
you have those “L” shaped faces? Thought blender only had 3 or 4 sided faces.
they aren’t really L shaped, it just looks that way. they are just quads. you can make a fake fgon though, by selecting 2 or more faces and pressing the f key.
Lookin good Modron. If you’re going to finish it then you might want to re-jig the loops a bit more. There would usually be a loop running from above the nostril flesh, down around the mouth - the loop you use to make the smile-creases.