retopo tool ?

i got problem to make retopo works with the magnet !

is there a short video showing how to do that ?

thre is another thread showing how to but cannot do it again!
don’t know there must have been some changes

happy 2.5

beginning to work again

with subdivided plane in front of suzanne
bottom header for magnet select face mode

grab vertices on mesh in edit mode
select the magnet on bottom header
G key here you can move in viewport the selected vertices
RMB to stop the retopo mode
remove magnet on bottom header

and it will retopo selected vertices

but how do you create a new mesh with retopo like in 2.49?

thanks happy 2.5

In the edit mode click on this drop down menu :

Select “Face” instead of the default “Increment”

Finally, tick those 2 buttons :

This should be roughly equal to clicking on the “retopo” button of 2.49b

can you make small video

cause i tried the way you describe and it’s not working!
but i was in face mode

only way is the one i describe which seems ok

but would like to know other things you can do like in 2.49
like adding a mesh delete all vertices then add new retopoed vertex on face behind!


I noticed i didn’t try in 2.59 (as i use 2.49b for my work needs) , but after just trying, it’s working.
So do this :

  • Have the model you want to retopo in Object Mode.

  • Add a plane

  • Plane must be selected, not the model

  • Go into Edit Mode and delete the plane

-Set up the Edit Mode exactly like this :
First click on this button :

Second, develop this drop down menu and select “Face”

Third : click on this button :

Retopo is now enabled

-Press CTRL and Left Click on the model, it will project a vertice on it, make a face with 4 vertices.

That’s projected automatically on the model, like in 2.49b retopo.
But that’s not very workable, so set up this :

That’s better.

Now add a Mirror modifier (be sure the center of the mirror is the same as the center/origin of the model behind) so it will show the faces set in symetry to the other side

Now you can extrude and etc… to retopo your model.
The huge annoyance is that Blender is unable to hide the back face in wire mode, it’s very annoying, so you will need to sometime change from Wire to Solid/Textured in the panel, and play with ALT+B to hide part of your model.

I hope future version of Blender will feature that very needed back faces hiding in wire mode.

de repente aca no activastes el vertice :).

thanks that seems to work like in 2.49

working nicely now!

don’t known there is supposed to be other tools added i think in Bmesh for retopo to make it easier to ue
but don’t know when it will happen!

happy 2.5

ok i tried this in latest built and does not seems to work

tried in edit mode with magnet and fae mode then the retopo icon
and nothing happened?
and i was in solid mode

was there any changes made to this retopo tool ?

and how to make it work again in latst built?


I tried on the stable version of 2.61, and apparently it works :

the button are setup for retopo , i have something selected i want to be projected on the model behind

I press G (as if i wanted to move the selection) then Enter, and the selected parts are projected as they should

Are you using the stable version or some updated build (either from graphicall or from buildbot ? )

so procedure is

edit mode
select all verts
g enter
magnet and set face

then retopo button

working in latest 42722 SVN


what is the difference between selecting all verts with A key and G key ?

G Key does what ?


The [G] key is used to make Blender think you are moving all vertices. Retopo works by snapping the vertices to the surface once you move them.

would be easier i think if the selected verts would be retopoed directly without this G key
this step not needed i think!

and mixing up people on how to use this tool !


The problem is that there may be some vertices on a retopo that you don’t want to be projected, so if retopo was made automatically when the button were turned on, it would be painfull sometime.

The 2nd annoyance i have in 2.5/2.6 with retopo (the 1st being that Blender does not have any backface culling in wire display) is that you have to enable and click a bunch of buttons to enable it or disable it, in 2.49b it was a single button/click and allowed then a much faster work when you needed to enable/disable the function often when building something.

yes find it easier in 2.49

and this G key i mean when doing retopo you don’t rotate or scale so why be forced to G key it anyway should be automatic like in 2.49!

it should retopo the selected verts only like in 2.49!

this would be less confusing and easier to do in 2.5 !

but i guess it’s too late to ask for a change for this !

happy 2.6

I agree, I think the workflow of 2.49 retopo was more efficient.

yeah, the retopo tools have definately suffered a downgrade since 2.49. I use 2.49 for all retopo operations.

@Sanctuary: For backface culling, have you tried solid display with “wire” checked? I don’t quite understand why do you need a wire mode with backface culling?

Why you need it ?
It’s simple, see this :

When you retopo on a high poly model and the retopo is in solid mode , your work not made easy by this :

So if you add X-Ray to avoid the high poly annoying your work, it’s simple you don’t see the high poly anymore, making it then even less easy as you can’t see anymore your high poly to guide you building your edge “flow” :

Now, that’s exactly why you want to set your retopo to use wire + xray :

See now, that looks just perfect, you see the high poly model and your retopo without any problem and can work your retopo closely following the anatomy of the high poly model… or you would like it to be this way.

… But because wire do not have backface culling, you’re forced to alwyas use ALT+B to hide part of the model each time you change the angle (that’s what i did for the previous screenshot), because if you don’t constantly do that each time you change the point of view, here is what you would really see :

So that’s the reason blender really need backface culling for wire display, not only because other programs can do that, but because it would improve the retopo work you do tremendously as you wouldn’t be forced to constantly ALT+B part of the model.

retopo in 2.6 needs some sort of upgrade

but i dont’ know where to ask for such things anymore!

if you know where to ask for it then do it cause we need something better then what we have now !

happy 2.6