revelation game: terminated.

I agree you can’t do that for everything but seriously you posted 8 times in a row -_-

srry i haven’t posted recently, i was taking a week long break but i have started working again. :slight_smile:
here’s what i’ve done so far:

anyone know how to make the ground texture smaller without using the uv image editer? like right here.

What do you mean “fixed the doorknob shooter”?

it was a different file wasn’t it?

Right, just realized that…
In regards to the pics… either you need to turn the spec value down on the grass, or get rid of some of the light in the scene… It’s way too bright… It shouldn’t be hard to change.

Ill admit, I’m not that great of an animator but I will try to help… I have time to kill. What do you need animated? I can make some textures too if you would like my help. My email is [email protected]. Im happy to help, all my blender game engine tries look similar to yours and it seems like you have an idea of what you want the game to turn out like.

thanks, ive been needing an animator for some time. but there’s a problem with the project, ive read revelation for the 2nd time and something caught my eye, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” and thats kinda scary coming from God, so we either need to be really careful, or stop the project.:frowning:

Just re-name it like Armageddon or somethin if your that concerned

thanks, ive been needing an animator for some time. but there’s a problem with the project, ive read revelation for the 2nd time and something caught my eye, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” and thats kinda scary coming from God, so we either need to be really careful, or stop the project.

It’s just another project. You are not adding anything to the Bible or something…
The last part of the Revelation that you mentioned was intended to Christians who at that time used the scrolls to teach in the different congregations, since the roman church as such was not yet established. So whoever claims to be a carrier (copyist, teacher, leader, preacher) of the message, must make sure it’s exactly the same, no more nor less.

oh, ok. and we could just have a little message in the beginning before the menu saying, “this is just a reinactment of revelation in which some people believe will happen in the end. some scenes may be fictional, but it is based of a real story which WILL happen.” i dont know, something like that. if you come up with a better way to put it please contact me at [email protected].

The world will end more like with people persecuting the christians. And the christians are not going to be shooting down everyone that comes to their door. They are non-violent people. I think the game should be more like you trying to avoid being detected, not shooting every person that you see that holds a gun. But otherwise, great idea! I never thought of doing an enactment of Revelation. My bro (mokazon) did one on Daniel…

If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

That applies to the core doctrine of the Bible (which in other words is about all that is taught and the New Testament laws, most experts interpret those last lines as applicable for all 66 books and thus Revelations), not trying to depict what the world will be like or what people will do during the end times based on those writings. Otherwise the author who wrote the Left Behind series and the director who did the movies based on it (which neither adds new teaching or doctrine) would either be aware that they are in major trouble with God or they would’ve never started with those projects.

If you’re using GLSL in those last shots than you can always stack more textures and tone down the washout, the first part is still somewhat related to your project because you wanted to know whether it was safe to continue.

I wanna animate something! I’m pretty good at animating, I just need to work on planning a little more…

PS: If you’re worried about God condemning this project, just remember to pray. He’ll tell you what to do next.

lol mtracer… :slight_smile:

I’d like to see this game succeed. Just you need to pick up the graphics

I wasn’t kidding, actually. I am a Christian. Let’s keep the derogatory comments down, this seems like a good game. We don’t want it locked.

thanks mtracer, i do have some models i need animated. i’ll email you the file.

How do you know my address?

ha! silly me. i couldn’t think straight that day. you’ll need to send me an email, my address is [email protected].

your not going to be a christian in the game. you’ll be a atheist. but if someone doesn’t like that idea, and you have a better one, let me know. i am open to ideas.

YEAH!! Rock on brother!! Lol.

Seriously though, nice to know I’m not one of the only ones here who think Christians can make awsome games.


EDIT: Ummm… I guess that was a bit too derogatory, huh?