Rh2 bwc 2010

Hey ionee :slight_smile:

Just found out that LuxRender doesnt support TGA so I’m busy converting all my textures to PNG.

I really like the way this looks. You are making great progress.

test render.http://www.epicarea.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Clay.2010bwcRender7.png

here I go again… abusing my attachment privileges


to all the dial-up users out there, I apologize in advance.

I hope I can get some LuxRender GPU acceleration working on some of my scenes.
This is awesome!

First 2 seconds of rendering: (give it another 20seconds and it would be almost noise free)
The regular type wouldn’t even be past its first pass.


The deadline is in September…
Ill get back to this.