Ridiculously high poly creation stories

i recently created a ridiculously high poly object, so much that it was actually really funny, made me and my friend laugh, i think it would be fun to share our stories or examples of our high poly creations.

my recent one was a pair of boots:


somehow… i managed to create this boots with 22k polys, yes 22k. and i only used one level of subsurf =D. ive looked at my mesh and it looks like i screwed up and made the spikes and buckles with too many polys. how about the rest of you?

Not just the spikes…

Add another level of subsurf and you’ll have enough polygons to make a detailed displacement map with wear, folds, and any other thing that it can be used for to enhance a pair of boots.

Otherwise it’s wise to not use so many polygons to make an object, especially if you’re going to UVmap it and you need good placement of seams.

the model does not need high-poly count at all


To make up for really bad topology, I just gave it so many polygons that the bunched up areas looked the same as the spread out parts.

I thought you guys were talking about “ridiculously high” poly counts? Erm, where is this? :confused: :wink:


856 000 quads.
http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5619/dinosaurss.png http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/dinosaurss.png/1/w786.png

“ridiculously high poly” really should exclude just bumping up the subsurf level. :\

Tea_Monster, that’s impressive :smiley:


you need better program that can hande that spiked boots
like 3dsMax, Maya, XSI
these are professional programs
Blender is an amateur small program

This is the best my computer can do…



endi, I’m beginning to think you’re really dumb. This thread has no relation to the “application xyz is better than Blender” discussion. So why are you posting this lol. Sometimes your sarcastic posts are funny but this is totally pointless.

Just my two cents.

(Maybe you’re a bot :D?)

endi is actually a very talented person so he is far away from dumb. Check out some of his work.

You can be both you know!

as for the sarcastic posts:
the secret of good comedy is not “timing” though many will say it is…

It’s actually new material.

I don’t care how talented he is. He could be Jesus and it wouldn’t change the fact that posts like these are totally brainless.


My cube has only 3 face, please halp!


P.S. Absolutely ZERO subdivision going on either.

We have a winner! ^^^

I may be in second place though…


Stunning model of the Victory. The god of polygons smiles down upon thee.