Rig armature

Hi there
I’m quite new to blender and trying to animate my first character
Iv got a problem: when I created armature rig it came out backwards. Then I transformed it but when I generated rig, it showed this thing and it was again backwards
Here’s screenshot, I know I miss smth rlly stupid, but if u could help- I’d be rlly happy:)

Hi, did you apply all transforms on the rig?

whatever it is, rigify could not find one bone called “ORG-ear.L”
did you use Human(meta-rig) armature?

Yeah I used the human metarig but I deleted ear bones as I didn’t use it :slight_smile: I applied the transformations so everything is positioned right but rig still doesn’t work maybe the deleted ear bones are the issue?

yes, don’t change or delete any bones, rigify requires all the bones to generate the controller.
that’s how you get error.

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And you did that on the metarig, while in Object mode?

Ideally you shouldn’t need to, as on adding the metarig to the scene, one then doesn’t do anything to it unless in Edit mode. That way the scale, etc of the armature is always correct, since it was never changed.

Deleting the ear bones doesn’t affect that. Instead deleting those bones from the base face rig is the reason the overall control rig wasn’t generated.

Here’s a couple other common Rigify mistakes to watch out for as you are just starting out.