Rigacar Addon not working for Blender 4.0

Working on project on blender 4.0. Rigacar not working on Blender 4.0. Does anybody know any other methods for car animation

The last update was for 3.1…so it would be best if you use that version and then just append the file to 4.0. , at least until or if it gets updated…

Update: I just loaded the plugin into 4.1, and it seems to be working just fine. I didn’t test it on uneven ground, or try an animation…

So I have to ask what part is not working for you ?
I used Rigacar Version 7.1 in Blender 4.1…

Thanks for support in this matter. I found that on youtube JeanYan3D (https://www.youtube.com/@JeanYanb) has posted detailed video and also Updated version of the rigacar addon which works for Blender 4.0. I have not personally used till now, but try it in coming 2 days. Thank you RSEhlers.