Hey there,<br><br>I am a programmer working with unreal engine 4 and bought me a rigged character asset from the unity store. Yeah, unreal is not unity and because of this I have some trouble with this asset.<br>My main problem is to remove the staff out of the model and skeleton. I did it by myself but everytime the skeleton gets broken after that… (after importing in unreal).<br><br>The second thing is, in this fbx are some animations. They work in blender, but they are in a continuous order and I don´t know how to export them in seperatly files.<br>The next problem is, the fbx also contains the same model 4 times, they differ only in their material. Same problem here, don´t know how to seperate them.<br><br>And after the above work is done, I would like to have some animations changes (without this staff).<br><br><img src="/uploads/default/original/4X/c/b/c/cbc40bd28e86d09be3d8400b11bfd476fc3c8d38.pngstc=1" attachmentid=“433522” alt="" id=“vbattach_433522” class=“previewthumb”><br>This is the original model. It isn´t a very complex model.<br><br>Because its an model of the unity asset store, I will not make it public here. If someone wants to try his luck, I will send him the original fbx file (without textures).<br><br>Best regards.