
Is there a unified rig system for animaters i see blenrig rigify but you could also pay for example rig pro which i prefer. But a rig from my teachers from toanimate is custom made and is different. But they all have the ik fk switch option.

What are you asking? There’s dozens of different rigging options for Blender, and most studios have their own custom tools as well. Use whatever works for you, there’s not a “official” option or anything

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What is the most common rig system

Rigify and autorig pro is used the most, there is also cloudrig that is mainly used in blender studio rigs and is based on rigify too but with extra features, and then there is blendrig5 another similar but more advanced features I think. The use depends on your needs, for example if you will use mocap animation and a then do animation re-targeting usually all of them work for that, with slightly different bone names and hierarchies.


For what? For studios? Game engine exports? Hobbyists? For what pipeline? For low-poly, high poly? There isn’t one answer here, it depends based on your needs.

There’s also solutions that aren’t even part of Blender, like Akeytsu