Rigging a wheel following a path

Hi guys,
I´m trying to rig a wheel following a path. I´m using an armaturen and it´s working except for one thing: the wheel turns in one axis only. When turn in the other axis, it stops turning…
For the rigging, I´m using Transform constraint and Follow Path constraint.
How could I fix this?
Thanks in advance.

I’d suspect that you’re using a transform constraint to turn single-axis movement into single-axis rotation. But when it moves at a different angle, it’s no longer moving in that single axis, so there’s no rotation that happens.

If you want a wheel to move along with the path, then my recommendation is to drive the distance along the path (like the offset, with a follow path constraint) and the rotation with a single control. For example, if your path is 2 units long, and your wheel is 3 units in circumference, then your rotation should be path offset * 2 / 3 (times 2*pi for radians.) So over the course of traveling the full path-- 0 → 1 offset-- the wheel travels 2/3rds of a rotation.

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@bandages thanks for your reply. It worked! But, you think there´s a way to control acelerations? If graph animation of the curve Evaluation Time is set to bezier, the rotation does not change, folowing speed. Is it possible to make a dynamic rotation at this level?

Sorry, I don’t know how to do it with eval time.

Do you know a solution for that using other parameter, like Offset? I can try use Offset, instead.

You could try this method:

There is an example file in the thread.

Thank you, @DNorman . I´ll take a look! :wink: