Grettings friends,
I’m modelling a swimsuit that sits off the shoulders, and rigging it has been a pain in the behind to get it to move correctly with the arms.
The way I have tried to rig it right now is that I have an anchor bone positioned around the top seam of the top, and a bone that follows that seam up towards the arm. The anchor bone is parented to the chest, and the seam bones are parented to the arm. The seam bones have a constraint on them to point towards the anchor, so that they always line up correctly. The spur bones that you see going down the frills are for dynamic physics.
However this leads to some pretty bad clipping around the arms and sometimes the sides of the chest, so I’m wondering if there’s a different rigging strategy that I could use that might help prevent this clipping issue. The intended use case is to have the model imported into unity.
Thank you very much for your help and expertise.
Hi, I would try without the extra bones, just weight paint it to the armature and blend the weights between the upper arm and chest/spine bones.
Yes that’s the first thing I did however it looks really, really bad. Any part of it that gets painted to the arm ends up digging into the torso if the arm is posed to their side, and the portion that’s painted to the chest ends up floating in mid air. It’s significantly worse than the solution that I have currently.
Hey there,
I actually work in a poject with clothing brands,
What ım using is transfer weights from body to clothing, then edit weight paints,
Actually you can edit mesh too for idle pose,
T pose is not matter, mesh can be deformed or bad at t pose,
Clothing suppose to be in good shape at pose(idle or something)
your topology will be affect movements too,
What will you use this for?
Game engine? or something like animation video ? Do you have spesific animation?
For game engine you need to adjust weight paints well for animation variations,
For videos with spesific animations you can use cloth simulation,
Hope it helps
Can you post the file or a link so i can have a look?