August 14, 2006, 8:59pm
i rigged the character i made in this thread this one
and i added an ik solver to the fore arm of the character to the hand so then i go into pose mode and grab the hand to move the arm and it works fine but wen i pull the hand out it pulls the hand and makes it stretch at the wrist, any body help??? NOTE–i added same settings to the shin and foot of the model and wen i move the foot bone out it works fine.
August 14, 2006, 10:11pm
There is a few thing that could have gone wrong:
the vertices of the forearm did not get assigned to the forearm bone.
the vertices of the forearm are assigned to more then one bone. (accident)
the forearm is not correctly parented in the chain.
Too many things that could have gone wrong, it would help if you at least post a picture.
August 15, 2006, 12:27pm
the first two i know i didnt do but im not sure about the last one, how do i tell?
August 15, 2006, 8:49pm
Do you want to send me a blend file or something? Or at least post a picture?
August 15, 2006, 8:55pm
ide post the blend but i dont have a website that i can host on
August 15, 2006, 9:01pm
You want to email it to me?
snowshoe AT gmail DOT com
post the blend
www.4shared.com is good for this.
August 16, 2006, 10:23am
ok i sent it, let me no if u got it
August 16, 2006, 10:28am
and here the link to the download, hopefully it works
The problem is that your hand deform is your IK target. The IK target should generally be a non-deform bone. Think of it just as a handle to move your “skeleton” around, not as part of the skeleton itself.
You should have one more bone extending from the forearm for your hand. This should be the bone that your hand verts are deformed by. Your IK target will be in the same place it’s at, but without the power to deform the mesh. If you like to control the angle of the hand with the same bone, then use a copy rotation constraint on the hand deform bone to make it copy the IK target’s rotation. Otherwise you can just pose your hand independently.
August 16, 2006, 11:29am
sweet it works, man these past few days that ive been posting like crazy i have learned alot. thank you again. since you have my rig downloaded, is there anything wrong with the rigg (i definatly know tehre is)
August 16, 2006, 1:33pm
Nice modelling job !
I would suggest :
Make the
melon bone child of the neck bone and CON(ected)
neck child of spine2 and connected (might have to resize the neck bone a bit)
hip.r/l child of spine5 (connected)
hand.r/l child of forearms (connected)
add a “MASTER” bone
lower.body, leg.R/L, KH.l/R (or whatever you named your hand IK targets)
all children of MASTER (not connected)
You don’t really need the upper body bone, but it doesn’t hurt to leave it.
go into EDIT mode for the bones and align your leg.r/l bones with their respective feet.
go back to POSE mode and assign Copy Rotation constraints to each foot with their respective IKFoot bones as targets (leg.L/R)
Then when you move your upper.body or lower body bones done you should see your feet staying flat instead of rotating.
Another tip is to turn off subsurf for interactive display (click the middle icon). Your rig/character will react much faster.
August 16, 2006, 2:26pm
Nice modelling job !
I would suggest :
Make the
melon bone child of the neck bone and CON(ected)
neck child of spine2 and connected (might have to resize the neck bone a bit)
hip.r/l child of spine5 (connected)
hand.r/l child of forearms (connected)
add a “MASTER” bone
lower.body, leg.R/L, KH.l/R (or whatever you named your hand IK targets)
all children of MASTER (not connected)
You don’t really need the upper body bone, but it doesn’t hurt to leave it.
go into EDIT mode for the bones and align your leg.r/l bones with their respective feet.
go back to POSE mode and assign Copy Rotation constraints to each foot with their respective IKFoot bones as targets (leg.L/R)
Then when you move your upper.body or lower body bones done you should see your feet staying flat instead of rotating.
Another tip is to turn off subsurf for interactive display (click the middle icon). Your rig/character will react much faster.
thank you thank you! thank you for putting in the time to see if my rig is good, thank you
August 16, 2006, 2:40pm
and another thing, wat should i do about the knees???
August 16, 2006, 2:51pm
I didn’t read Mstram’s or bugman_2000’s post… so the following might be the same…
I parented the eye parts to the eye.
parented the eyes to the head bone.
Because bones have a tendency to rotate in the same direction they are rotated, I rotated different parts of the body.
I remapped the bones to fit the body.
I also reassigned some of the spine vertex groups.
I created an IK bone for the spine.
I Parented the the bottom bone of the spine to the “lower body” bone.
I parented the IK bone (of the spine) to “upper body” bone.
I made the foot.r/l bones hinge bones, so they don’t rotate.
I made two new IK bones for the the arms.
I parented/connected the hand bones to the forearm bones.
I made the forearm bones, IK solvers to the new IK bones.
I parented/connected the head bone to the neck bone.
Some others I would have done, but I didn’t.
Select all parts of the right eye, and join into one object, same with the left.
Add a Track to contraight to the eyes, to track the “eye” bone.
August 16, 2006, 3:09pm
I didn’t read Mstram’s or bugman_2000’s post… so the following might be the same…
I parented the eye parts to the eye.
parented the eyes to the head bone.
Because bones have a tendency to rotate in the same direction they are rotated, I rotated different parts of the body.
I remapped the bones to fit the body.
I also reassigned some of the spine vertex groups.
I created an IK bone for the spine.
I Parented the the bottom bone of the spine to the “lower body” bone.
I parented the IK bone (of the spine) to “upper body” bone.
I made the foot.r/l bones hinge bones, so they don’t rotate.
I made two new IK bones for the the arms.
I parented/connected the hand bones to the forearm bones.
I made the forearm bones, IK solvers to the new IK bones.
I parented/connected the head bone to the neck bone.
Some others I would have done, but I didn’t.
Select all parts of the right eye, and join into one object, same with the left.
Add a Track to contraight to the eyes, to track the “eye” bone.
thank you!!! works just the way i wanted, all of you great animators- calvin andyd fligh and bugman 2000 should make a advanced riggin tutorial, because everything else is just very beginner or medium diffulculty
August 16, 2006, 3:27pm
should make a advanced riggin tutorial, because everything else is just very beginner or medium diffulculty
Actually I believe bugman_2000 is already on it… he is writing a book on animation in blender…
August 16, 2006, 4:20pm
Don’t include me in that group, I’m only a bit ahead of you. I’ve been learning everything from those other guys
August 16, 2006, 4:22pm
I made the foot.r/l bones hinge bones, so they don’t rotate.
Ah ha ! So that’s (one of) the things that’s useful for !
August 16, 2006, 5:12pm
I didn’t read Mstram’s or bugman_2000’s post… so the following might be the same…
I parented the eye parts to the eye.
parented the eyes to the head bone.
Because bones have a tendency to rotate in the same direction they are rotated, I rotated different parts of the body.
I remapped the bones to fit the body.
I also reassigned some of the spine vertex groups.
I created an IK bone for the spine.
I Parented the the bottom bone of the spine to the “lower body” bone.
I parented the IK bone (of the spine) to “upper body” bone.
I made the foot.r/l bones hinge bones, so they don’t rotate.
I made two new IK bones for the the arms.
I parented/connected the hand bones to the forearm bones.
I made the forearm bones, IK solvers to the new IK bones.
I parented/connected the head bone to the neck bone.
Some others I would have done, but I didn’t.
Select all parts of the right eye, and join into one object, same with the left.
Add a Track to contraight to the eyes, to track the “eye” bone.
right now im trying to duplicate wat you did to your version. and the hole bend the legs and arms thing worked great. but i have a question… in the ik solver for the spine 2 says that it is involved with an ik bone, but i cant seem to find it, where is it???