rigging instances


So I created this plant and the leaves are instanced copies of a rigged leave.
But I want to update the rig but that gives me weired results in the instanced copies :frowning:
it seems like the weight painting of the instances won’t get updated.
Do I have to delete the plant and start from scratch again positioning and posing? or is there an easier way?

… and im very new to that kind of stuff^^

the leaves are instanced copies of a rigged leave.

How did you instance the leaves? Did you use group? Make sureall the face normals are pointed in same direction, and all scales onrig and leaf are 1.

they are plain ALT+D copies of leaf+deformmesh+armature+parent empty

Make sureall the face normals are pointed in same direction, and all scales onrig and leaf are 1.

That didn’t fix the problem unfortunately. :confused:
Well I think i just repose and position everything.