rigging: parenting EyeTarget to head or master bone?

I’m actually not rigging a character at moment.
I just want to know what’s best for animating purpose.
parenting the target of the eyes to the head bone or the master bone?

So far I’ve been parenting my eye target to the master bone, since I think of the eye motion as really a separate component from the movements of the character’s body.

But it really comes down to personal preference. Some people don’t even use targets, but animate the eyes with a slider instead… the Ludwig Rig has this feature.

yes, that seems the most logic way to me too.
Just downloaded Ludwig and i see he has both a separate eye ctrl and the target (parented to the head).
but since I don’t like this rig cause of its hardness to use i’ll stick with a target parented to the master bone.
(don’t get me wrong. i can see they worked hard on the rig with nice details and such :wink: )