Rigging problem: non group assigned vertexes come along

I made an ant a couple of days ago and started rigging it. Allready learned quite a lot. But I’ve come acros a problem. I photoshopped a jpeg of it and I hope all the information needed is provided.
I basically just rotated the MLL4 bone in the bottom-left screen and some MLL5 vertices come along.
(1280*1024 sorry)

thanks for your time,


Hi Snelleeddy, (I might be guessing, but as far as I am experienced) you only need to add one Armature modifier to the whole mesh - you don’t need to add a modifier to each bone/vertex group. Try remove the extra modifier and the vertex info and see what happens.

Way I learnt it was with weight paint (as opposed to vertices). Select bone - shift select Mesh,[edit: Ctrl-TAB to get into Weight paint mode] and then paint in the effected area. Also here only need to add one modifier - unless you got seperate one for hands and face etc.

Hope that helps…

Well, I looked at the weight painting like you sugjested and there were allways a loop of each per vertex group/limb part that were painted to much. So problem was due to a messy paintjob.
I didn’t have to remove all the modifiers. And I don’t think I will cuzz the way I see it if you have a vert group and a bone with the same name they automatically connect no?

but annyways thank you.
bedankt ent beste nog

toppic can be closed, problem solved