Under regular circumstances, this would be normal. The problem is that I’m trying to get it to look like the two meshes are touching each other like inverse dominoes, but without having to manually pose both bones into position:
Yes, but it’s probably more complicated than you wanted, and you’re providing such a simple demonstration that I’m not sure that what you really want will work with the solution I’ll offer.
We use a three-bone IK chain, with rotation, position, and stretch enabled. The first bone in the IK is the parent of the controlled mesh object. The second bone is aligned with the collision plane of that object, is locked in all axes, and has stretch enabled. The third bone is free, but because of rotation, seeks to match the rotation of the IK target, which is parented to the control bone and which is aligned with that bone’s mesh’s collision plane.
This won’t handle changes in the collision plane-- after we rotate further than shown, the collision point will change, and the bones don’t really know anything about the meshes they control.
No, I meant the result I wanted. I tested out the blend file and it didn’t give me the result I had wanted. It looked odd trying to lower it, and I was trying to make it so that the two meshes didn’t intersect one another. This is the result I’m trying to go after, one where the meshes touch, but don’t clip through each other:
Think that, but with an actual rig, how would I go about it in an easier fashion?
As an aside, is there a way to override the default settings for the “Copy Rotation” constraint? I want to try something, but I can’t seem to get the factor to get past 1.