I have recently been working on an animation where a handgun fires three bullets, and each bullet hits a moving target and the target shatters into pieces. I'm having trouble, however; The first target works fine, but when I try to keyframe the other targets to move, they will always have some sort of trouble. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
I think it has to do with you needing to keyframe the “Dynamic” and “Animated” checkboxes on and off to get them to work the way you want…
I can’t say that will make a difference for sure but just a quick look at your file I noted that these boxes were one of the differences between your working ‘bits’ and the non-working bits…
Well, you see, I tried that. I keyframed the target so it would play through the keyframed animation, and then become dynamic once it’s animation was over. However, instead of doing what it should have, it just instantly explodes.