Rigify error

Bone position is disjoint incorrect armature for type chain rigs


can’t see your rig to be sure
i think you should parent your neck connected!
u just need to have the neck root be in the exact same position of the last tail of the spine(or it’s parent) (bone position is disjoint)

so try to find the exact bone on your metarig (neck.001) and check for those issues

Neck 01 is parent
ostrich_good.blend.blend (1.8 MB)

Thanks i will try to fix it

was trying your file. the re-generate button is disabled to try to replicate the error
what version of blender you’re using. sometimes version can do that to rigify.

I think i see your issue based on the file shared.
you need the rigify right bone type in pose mode (the file you shared don’t have any) and that’s the reason the generate button was disabled for me

based on your need you choose a type and each type have it’s restrictions like
Super limb must be a chain of 3
Super spine-head as i told you the position is important with parent
if you want a bone to be as is “super-copy” and so on…

check CGDive tutorial on youtube he does an amazing job explaining everything you need to know

simple example from your file where i was able to generate with no error

now if you have the types and u just have the first error you showed check the placements (disjoints)

Version 3 6.5

nevermind about the version the button was disabled cause there was rigify bone type in the file you shared

? I don t understand what you mean.

I asked about the blender version cause the generate button of rigify was disabled, so i though cause of the version, now i figured out why so i said never mind about MY QUESTION of the version
please try to look at my long answer with the screenshot (#5) and see if it helps

I have st a back up file but I cannot see how to fix the joint error .
I parent the neck.001 but that doesn’t fix the error
ostrich_good.1.blend (1.8 MB)

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this file you sent this time is good!

your problem: the bone neck.001 marked as spines.super_head is not the root of a chain. its in the middle of a chain. (screen shot if i select it and move it)

go to edit mode of the metarig select that bone (neck.001)
disconnect bone (it will remain a child of spine.006 but a disconnected child, which will make it the root of it’s own chain)

don’t move it’s head and leave it same position of the tail of spine.006

like this it generated for me:

in the future to not have the same issue when you parent a rigify root bone like this one use “keep offset” and not “connected” child but not part of the chain. “connected” will make it part of the chain

Oke i will try your solution.
But i am not home at the moment.
Anyhow thanks.

Thanks it worked for me as well

Only need to parent the eyes to the head bone I guess

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