Rigify question (generated rig is not aligned with figure)

I’m using Rigify for the first time and have encountered a problem:

After adding the human armature to a figure and adjusting the bones, I clicked ‘Generate’ under Rigify Buttons. A new rig was created.

However, the rig is not placed inside my figure. Should I just move my figure into the rig?

When you use rigify, your mesh and the meta-rig should both be located at the origin, both should have scale and rotation applied before you push the generate button. If done properly, the created rig shouldn’t need adjustments in location or scale.

Thank you for your reply.

May I ask how you ‘freeze’ a ‘rigified’ position (turn the position into a ‘frozen’ mesh)?

You can “apply” the armature modifier and the mesh will be ‘frozen’ in the pose. (The armature will still be there, it is its own object, after all, but it won’t affect the mesh any more.)

if the armature was set as a modifier for the mesh, there is the easy way to “apply” the modifier.
(check the “apply” option in the modifier settings)
Thats like freezing the mesh.
But you should do it with a duplicate object setup - or more ease a new blend-file - so you want loose
the assignments you made for the armature and original mesh (like wait-paintings and so on).