Whenever I add a armature modifier to my model’s mesh, the arms and legs shift just a little bit. Strangely, the mesh jumps back to place when I uncheck “Bind to vertex groups.” The shift is very minor but I worked too hard on this model to let there something little like this to be wrong with it. All the bone rolls are good and the rig’s/mesh’s scale is both 1.00. The bones are all placed very well in the mesh. What else could be causing this?
It’s almost certainly due to the rig. Hide your mesh and toggle the rig between pose and rest position. That should show that it’s the rig that is moving. Getting it to not move can be very involved. You really need to include a .blend file.
Okay, here’s an update- I re-generated the rigify and whenever I enable IK and turn auto-ik stretch to zero and ik controls to 1.0, switching between pose and rest bends the bone just barely. But with the ik control set to zero, it doesn’t do that
DL link:
That is an issue with the IK solver. When IK stretch is enabled the bones stretch a little bit, even when it seems they shouldn’t.
Try this. In a new file add a default rigify metarig and generate it. And look at the movement it has when toggling between pose and rest position. If it’s the same as what your model is doing there really isn’t anything that can be done about it. If what you’re seeing in your model is greater than what the default rig does, it might be something that can be fix, but I don’t know.
You can post the rig and metarig to http://www.pasteall.org/blender. The mesh isn’t really necessary.
EDIT: Got the file… looking at it now.
turn off auto ik in the tool box and see if that helps. Constraints need to be local you will see a slight offset if it’s world space.
If you can live with the world offset in pose then do so
Yeah, I don’t think that movement can be fixed, if you want to use IK.
Also note that your model is 78 meters tall. If you want it to be properly scaled in in a scene, get the armature and mesh scaled correctly and the scale applied before binding or it will bite you later.
This error doesnt occur with the default metarig. The 2nd layer of the .blend file contains the metarig used for the generated rigify.
We’re looking at something different… the file I downloaded doesn’t contain a metarig.
So I need to redo the metarig? How do I prevent this problem from occurring in the future since it doesnt happen with the default metarig?
Link for metarig:
I’m not seeing the movement you’re talking about. Can you post screenshots?
I will tomorrow. I need to go to sleep, 9:30 here in WA and this is stressing me out. Thank you for your help SkpFX I really appreciate it.
I will tomorrow. I need to go to sleep, 9:30 here in WA and this is stressing me out. Thank you for your help SkpFX I really appreciate it. You too Brentison
edit: Nevermind. Skip has this one.
I regenerated the default metarig and the error does occur for this for the arms only not the legs. Can I fix it by editing the Python script or something?