Rigify with face bones + Mesh Deform?

Hello, I am pretty noob in Rigging. Is it possible to use rigify with the face bones and use a Mesh deform for a character? I have seen a tutorial, he used an other bones sytem for face rig. Do you have an idea?

Sure, you can combine Rigify with a mesh deform. Make a mesh deform cage (basically another face, although probably simplified), use Rigify to create an armature for the cage, bind the mesh deform. But if you’re pretty noob, play around with both mesh deforms and Rigify independently before trying to combine the two.

But maybe I don’t understand the question?

I know a little bit Rigify, so I think it will be ok, but the probleme is about the face deformations. It seems a bit more complex. Into a tutorial, the guy uses an other bones hierarchy for face rigging. Do you think it is not necessary or not?

Not sure what you mean by “uses another bones hierarchy for face rigging.”

Running rigs through a mesh deformer can have some advantages-- you can be working with a lower poly deformer, making it easier to weight paint; you have naturally softer, more diffuse deformation, and it’s easier to make it more diffuse by editing the deformer. But it also has disadvantages: you can’t get really sharp deformations until you have enough verts that your deformer completely hugs your mesh, and you have to make an extra face mesh, and of course there’s a small performance hit, plus bind times.

There can be times you want a n armature->mesh deform setup, but if you don’t know for sure that you want it, you probably don’t.

Here is the tutorial I am talking about, it will be maybe a bit more explicit:

Skining with weight paint is always an hard part for me but I think Mesh Deform is the good way even if there are a few disadvantages. I gonna use also shape keys and drivers.