Riot Cop in Full Armour

This is the start of a riot cop model in full armour. I am building the armour on a male model freely available from called fatguy :yes:

Using reference images from the net I have started with the cranial bowl.

A relatively low count UV sphere carefully placed is then whittled down to the bowl’s basic shape. Note: The commentary that I am adding to the images is going to be the basis of a presentation of this material. Any thoughts on the text and/or modelling is certainly welcome.

Along the edge of the helmet I have added a bevel fringe.

Nape guard at the back of helmet. Shield added to the front.

The shield bottom edge is shaped.

The general look of the helmet has been established.

The next thing to do is the body armour.

After sober thought I decided the usefulness of this model
merits some more effort. I will model both shirt and pants together,
essentially turning them into ‘body’.

Closing the gap at the waistline was the next up order of business.

This 3D model is being sculpted to be an organically cartoony style. His character is excessive and somewhat virile. This is signified by the added genital bulge.

To shape his legs I decided to cut them out and insert legs already more or less shaped
from another model.

To shape h

As the new legs I slotted in have a pair of dress pants on them as you see in the previous image.
I removed his trousers. Man do they look skinny!

Here you can see I adjusted how the legs relate to Cop’s pelvis.

Changing vertical angle of legs.

This side view shows the modelling the leg to join with the Cop. A leg of this size has
definite perspective challenges.

Modelling was done on one leg. I mirrored it once the modelling was complete.

The following image is the result of the leg mirror.

Now what I am going to do is join the legs with the shaped brown pants.

This is the joined mesh. legs -> pelvis

Some of the vertices at the join that will need to be cleaned up are quite visible.

The mesh of the legs has taken on the parameters of the pelvic mesh they
have been joined too. The skin colour is that same tawny brown.

Next up, removing the extra vertices.

looks good, steady progress! great definition on the legs!

The following image shows work being done on the mesh to smooth the join.

I am just adjusting the basic shape at this stage as I go along.

Effort is going in to matching up quads in the join.

Note that the upper thigh will still need to be reshaped just a bit.

Turning the model around, I am working in to the body core. I left one of the new faces
active to better illustrate the clean up.

Having reached another stage in creating this 3D riot cop model it is time to bring this thread up to date. The following image shows the result of returning to the half model.

One can see that there are adjustments to be made
to match up the mesh in any kind of harmonic fashion.

The smooth view mode is really excellent for seeing the beauty of the modelling.

I will close the join working from the outside into the inner thigh.

The next image shows the massaging of any awkwardness of modelling towards the inner thigh centre line.

The next three images demonstrate the smoothing up at the centre line necessary for a sweet duplication to a full bipedal.