Rivendell - updated

Updated 26-4 - a little tutorial is on page 2.

Update pics on page 2.

Whoah, that’s a lot of work you did!
I can’t really find anything to critisize, because all are of pretty solid quality. I especially like the website-template.

wow that is great

One more.

Tried to start recreating rivendell from the Lord of the Rings movie.
Rendered with Pov-ray (finally got it to work :D)

Haha, the monstrosity is great!

Kudos :slight_smile:

:smiley: Thanks Rocky.
Here is a little update of the rivendell scene. Bad render: I know :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, awesome work on the Rivendell scene.
You’ve got to finish it!

Thanks Quantum, I will, I will :smiley: - I’d like it to turn out nice. But I was a bit distracted by the Discobombulation script (it’s so cool, but I don’t really understand it fully) here’s what I made:

I like your website project and rivendell scene ;). Regards

Thanks Jedrzej_s :slight_smile:

Here is a little update of the scene. Currently working (almost done I think) on the house with the holes in the roof. The scene you see now, will completely be remodelled. Except for the holed-roof-building then. I will create every house apart, I think that’s smarter then to model everything at once.
The holed-house:
The overall scene:
C&C is much appreciated.

well the roof in there bothers me a little but i quess youl “fix” it anyway so nothing else to say right now, but i bet we will have more to say when you get to texturing >: D


can we see the scene with some different lighting? On my computer at least, its hard to see the details on your models beacuse its so bright. Everything looks great so far.

-XrQLz :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely fantastic work! More please.

Thanks for the reply’s. I said to remodel the complete scene, so I didn’t find it nescessary to remove that roof fault. But thanks for the comments.
Here is a darker render of the last stage of that holed-roof-building. It has way too many verts already, so I have to stop modelling on that one :P. Going to the curved bridge thingie.
C&C is still warm welcome!

Here is an update. Sorry for the “bad visibility” but I like the render :stuck_out_tongue:
Here is a post-pro-ed version :stuck_out_tongue:
C&C still warm welcome.
I am currently working on the building on the left, that one is almost done, now I’m gonna go on to the building to the left of that one. (see previous renders to see wich one: the one with the roof-glitch)

Another update. Added these two buildings.
Left one far from finished.
C&C please.

Oh my, you are my hero :eek:!
This is great work. How on earth did you do the ornamented roof on the little…pavillon? Alpha maps? Don’t tell me you modelled that!
I’m already panting in expectation to see this textured and rendered with some fitting light.

That is absolutely amazing! Can’t wait to see it textured! How did you do the pavillion?

Wow thanks very much both. I’m really happy now :smiley:

Actually, I kinda modelled it… here’s proof:
I’m not really happy with the result, it was kinda an experimant to see if it was creatable :stuck_out_tongue: There are loads of faults in it so I will redo it and hopefully it will look cool then. Never thought of alpha maps though :smiley: stupid me.
Here is the render you see above, if you’re interested.


that’s amazing, how do you have so much patience? I can’t wait to see this completed, then you’ll need to texture it. Thanks for the darker renders, it really helped me see the details you so painstakingly(i’m assuming) added. Keep it up.

-XrQLz :stuck_out_tongue: