lost default setting option in a very long project. I’m several weeks into a project and somehow I’ve lost the default setup option and everything that goes with it. I have no idea how I did this and I can’t seem to recover the option. So the basic question is how do I restore the default setting. Just selecting restore factory default won’t fix this.
Well, settings should be independent from the project. Please try the following. Download a .zip distribution of blender, unpack it and create a folder named config in:
Now try to open the file you were working.
Edit: Please: Next time you have a question, remember to include some info about your computer. In this case it would have been good to know, which OS you are using. Also a tad more descriptive title also wouldn’t hurt.
When opening a blend file through the file browser in blender(I don’t mean the OS shell one) there should be a side bar with options, amongst them an option whether to load the UI setup found in the blend file. Is this what you might be looking for?
Good catch. Should be clarified if we are talking about settings like in preferences or settings like in workspace setup.
Thanks for getting back to me. I’ll try to fill in a few holes in my question. We are talking about the workspace setting that includes animation, 3d view etc… My computer is a home built non-linear edit suite running Win 10 pro 64 with 22 gigs of ram and an intel i7 [email protected]… the video card is the nvidia quadro FX5800 and I have 11TB of storage.
I went through Blenders “file Browser” (not the “file” option in the menu bar but the one next to it ) but I don’t see the side bar you’re talking about and nothing about loading the default workspace setting. The problem is specific to this project because opening a new project starts with the default setup. My best guess is I hit ctrl U at some point and reset the default setting to compositing which is where I am now and the “default” setting has been removed from the list of options. I’m months into this project and starting over isn’t my first choice! I"ve tried starting a new project and appending everything from the original but It’s not playing well. I have major holes in some sections of the project.
As @chalybeum stated earlier, download a portable(.zip/.tar.gz depending on which OS platform you are downloading for) version of blender and after unpacking create a folder named config in:
then launch blender and:
If you don’t see the sidebar there should be a small ‘+’ icon on the left side of the sub-window:
Well if it’s only this file, then really something is messed up. wirh the workspaces. Anyway, you can allways “build” a default layout again and save the file with that. Just give a word if you need a short introduction in Blender layout customization it’s really not that hard.
I opened a new project and appended everything into it and it worked well enough. I’ve got a day or two replacing parts that didn’t come in correctly but the majority of the project is in tact. I would like more info on the new build process you mentioned just so I know how to do it. Thanks for the help.
update: for some reason the images Felix sent didn’t show up in my email until this morning. I opened a new project and unchecked load ui and the project opened in the default workspace with everything in tact… I wish those images had shown you two days ago! Thanks again to all that helped get this project back on track.
Glad we could help you.
Have fun and happy blending