Road on Terrain


I’m new to Blender. I mostly used Maya for my modelling purposes. I develop games usually on Unreal Engine 4. I have a terrain exported as mesh from World Machine. The terrain is low poly (around 100K polys). Using Bezier Curve tool I drew the outline of the road. Then created a plane that the road will sit on top. I used array and curve modifier to extude along the curve. I saw a video in YouTube where the terrain is projected to the road plane. But, in my case the terrain is low poly. My question is: How can I merge the road plane with terrain? Here is an image of brief description of my terrain model.


Just add a shrink wrap modifier to the mesh of the road and select project mode and set it to be on z axis. This is gonna tilt your mesh slightly depending on how flat/bumpy your terrain is. The next method would be to add shrinkwrap modifier with the same settings to the bezier curve. Make sure you add some resolution to your plane like this

so that it aligns better to terrain.

You could also sculpt the terrain manually where the road sits with dynotopo enabled and appropriate px size selected for your needs.

Thanks for the response. First, I added the bezier curve on a flat surface then added a shrinkwrap modifier to the bezier curve to match the terrain. Finally I extruded (array + curve modifier) the plane along bezier curve. The main reason I’m switching to Blender is that the curves are move controllable and the shrinkwrap modifier is awesome. In Maya, I used to delete the tris on the terrain around the road, then triangulate the result. But, it does not work in Blender. Is there any better way ?

W key, Bridge does connect 2 vertex loops.

Well this looks like what I’m looking for! Thanks I’ll give it a try.

Alt+J in edit mode would try to make quads of the triangles you have and ctrl+T would then triangulate the result once you’re finished with editing your terrain. Don’t forget to check out the tool panel for more option once you triangulate/quadrify your mesh. Mess with the settings to get the desired result.

Triangulate does not work. The gaps between terrain and road still remains there. I don’t know why? But, bridging vertices works for a small amount of vertices. When you select the whole edge loop, it produces silly faces. I guess I’ll export this to Maya, triangulate there and reimport to Blender.