Robert Harris (DarkLimitArts) - Sketchbook

Wow, how did I miss this thread?!
Amazing pieces! Love the renderings, the designs are also great and very consistent. Color pallete and those renderings are perfect.
how come this is not on the top row?! Or did I miss that as well.

@0rAngE - Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

i’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but i just gotta say…you are very creative!
all your characters look awesome and unique.

I have to say, I didn’t expect such cute characters from “DarkLimit” 's sketchbook.
Really creative and nice style. Keep up the good work!

khalibloo - Thanks a lot I appreciate you saying that. :slight_smile:

Jonathan L - Thanks you.

A spin off my older cupid model.


Created for my toy line. (3D Printing)

Just finished paging through ‘Art of Blender’

Your pieces are definitely among the most memorable from the book.

Making 3D printed figures is an intriguing prospect, though I’d almost want plush versions myself.

Jackoalan - Thank you very much, I appreciate you saying that. It’s an honor really to be featured in ‘Art Of Blender’ am grateful.

African Bee Farai
Designed for my new children’s book “Beecism” TBA

Created for the (United States Swim Academy)

Very Nice!!!:slight_smile:

Great job!

Thanks guys :smiley:

Designed for my new children’s book “Beecism” TBA

“Falcor The Snake” disguised as a butterfly. The new "Wireframe modifier was used to designed his wings.

wow, I love all of them…so good I want to eat them up.

The sheep, the aliens, ringo…my personal fav’s

I want moar! :slight_smile:

Do you animate them too?

Thanks a lot James_Z, I currently don’t animate but am working on learning how to.

I just showed my GF…she loves the designs…her fav: the Seahorse and the multi-eyed alien.

yeah, I’m learning to animate too…slow going so far. :frowning:

Thanks James glad she liked them. :slight_smile:

FeiYen The Fox.

Always wanted to design a fox, they are such elegant animals.

Made with 95% meta-balls.