Hey all. This is the first ever post to the Finished Projects thread, which was one of my goals with this small project. The robot concept belongs to someone else (unknown artist). I started off with these goals: Clean topology, decent composition and a FINISHED project (instead of starting yet another project that seems to fizzle out.) So…thanks to everyone in the WIP and Focused Critiques for your help!
Cool! I remember seeing this in your focused critique thread and really liking it. The robot looks really well modeled and the composition looks good too!
Thanks! I enjoyed working on this guy. In fact, I’ve decided I’m going to try putting together a short with him. Hopefully I won’t get swamped by the amount of work…I may ask for some help. We’ll see. Thanks for commenting!
The story telling is strong in this one And I really like the composition. The pose you gave him is very good. I can almost hear him thinking: “What mess is this on the ground?”