Robot Wip

Hey all, I’ve always been kind of off and on with Blender the past few years and havn’t really done a full render (worth posting) with it since I’ve been using other packages. This is my little robot I started a just some basic modeling practice but I decided to take it from Silo into Blender. I’m really begining to understand and enjoy how blender works and will probably be making it one of my main renderers (unless I need subpixel displacement…get that in here already! ;))

Some wip progress shots…

Right now i need to model the arms and figure out what I want to do for robotic hands before I start working on the materials and lighting for the final render shot. I’m going to try to learn to rig and pose using Blender also so that should be fun. :slight_smile: Thanks for any comments!


thats look sreal noce, im curious as to what/how you did the texture inseide the head, is just a picture?

Thanks! Yes, I wanted the “brain” to look like a jumbled mess of wires and cables so I found a good texture map and just applied it to a sphere’s color channel. I was going to displace it but it really didn’t turn out quite right, from a distance just a color map looks good enough for me. :slight_smile: