Robotic Music Video

I’m playing guitar and keyboard in a britpop band and so I thought I might improve my blender skills by trying to make a music video for one of our songs.
(You may listen to it here:

Each member of the band is represented by another robot. The look shall be bright and stylish - somehow artificial. There are some retro- and toy aspects as well.

Until now I built the robot for our singer:
The TV-screen will show scenes correlated to the text of the song. (Here you see the test screen…)

I started building heads for the other robots:

Hey, ziemlich cool. Also eure Musik klingt professionell, ist vielleicht ein bissel weich für meinen Geschmack aber nicht schlecht.
Zum Video: da kann man noch nicht viel sehen, aber vor allem der obere Roboter gefällt mir.
Am Ende wirds vor allem auf die Animation ankommen, denn solche Robots hat man schon tausendmal gesehen…
Hast du schon mal auf geschaut? Is ne deutsche Blendercommunity, die immer gern helfen!

And for the people who don’t speak this strange language:
Hey, pretty cool. Well, your music sounds professional, a bit too soft but not bad.
Concerning your movie: not much to see yet but I like the upper robot.
In the end, animation will be most important because those robots are a bit overstressed and they can be seen very often

Nun ja - viele Musikvideos mit Robotern sieht man nicht gerade. Bzgl. Härte unserer Musik: Höre Dir Stücke wie “You know the score” oder “Cracked Writer” auf an.
Aber Du hast natürlich recht - es eine Sache der Animation und der Kamera, ob es funktioniert oder nicht - aber ohne Modelle keine Animation also ein Schritt nach dem anderen…
Ich gucke mir die community mal an, danke für die Info…

same stuff in english:
Well - I don’t know that much music videos containing robots. According heaviness of our music: Listen to tracks like You know the score" or “Cracked Writer” on .
But you’re right anyway - the question if this stuff works is one of animation and camera - but without models no animation so I’m dealing with modelling first - step by step.
I’ll look into this community, thanks for the info.

Great idea for a project.
Waiting for more updates, keep it up and good luck.

Here comes some video content for the TV screen head of the singer robot.
Fragments of the song-text are translated into scenes.


Download the avi-video file (8.8MB) at

cool style, i really like those bots, keep it up

I love the dreadlock looking head!