Rock eater 4WD

Arrgh! the orange is killing my eyes, lol. Yeah um work on the environment alot more, find some reference pictures. The truck looks awesome.

Yeah, very nice paintjob & everything on the truck :slight_smile:
Now you just need a good render, I think the main problem with the current one is that the lighting is all flat.
I think you’re aiming for something like this
Notice how the colors are stronger and the shadows are almost black in the darkest places.
I think you need a stronger main sunlight adn maybe a bit of tweaking on the AO. Also maybe some very soft specularity on the rocks.

Thanks you for comment really appreciate it !! Ok i will try to work more on the environment and lighting more .

Andrepazleal Why would you put a light under the car ? i would rather make it darker underneath . Could you give some reference picture maybe i just do not really know what you mean :slight_smile: I will definitely do some Node work once i am more happy with lighting and environment.
btw you would drop the tree ? i quite like it. i planning to some DOF on the final so it will be blurred out anyway.

DDD i will try but i suck at lighting and materials . ( i LOVE modelling but when it comes to materials / textures / light / test renders / …i just start loosing my patience :slight_smile: )

Jorzi thank’s for the constructive comment !! yes that picture is exactly type of environment what i am trying to do. I am happy that you can see it there !! I will work on the light more and i really like the cactus in the picture what you post will put it in my scene as well . THANKS

i got a bit busy with some other stuff … but now i am back on to it .

Looks awesome. I like the composition and the contrast is lookin superb!

bad lighting

Brainsunlimited: thank you !

Larmannjan: What would you change on it ? I tahught about chnaging position of the sun. Will have a bit more play around with it later today.
bit more constructive critic would be nicer then just say bad lighting :slight_smile:

Thanks for comments !

another render …i changed the position of the sun . adjust AO a bit and add vignetting with nodes.
thanks for looking

i like the render, but the tree and the bush on the background could be a bit more high res, they don’t look realy good right now
the car itself looks sweet, the wheel/tire looks perfect

yonzariq tree and bush/cactus are modeled as well i just blurred them with defocus node to make it like a depth of field…focused on the car everything out of focus is blurred
maybe i just blurred it too much

that looks beast…

Nice improvements and I really like the cacti(that’s the plural of cactus, right?) Unfortunately in your latest render the cactus kind of blends with the car, ruining the composition. I’d say the composition in number 12 is really good, but make the lighting more like number 13

Evil Moon MOose: thanks …i was trying to make some mean looking buggy :slight_smile:

Jorzi: BIG thanks again for your input !! Here is another version …i got rid off some cacti to make them not blending with the car . make DOF not as blurry and background as well … ( from wikipedia A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses or cactus) i would not know that :slight_smile: English is my second language .)

I still have a problem with the white outline around some branches and the rock on the right . I don’t know how to avoid it . It’s not the defocus node as i thought before, it’s happen when i mix the background with the render .

and here is my node setup :

i recieved the same problem in my Shipwreked render, if you recieve and help to get rid of it it would be a big thanks if you would forward it to me or post what works here ":smiley:

Evil Moon MOose will do mate .

thanks, much appreciated, will post anything I find if you havent found a fix yet when/if i ever find a fix lol :smiley:

I found the solution for my outline problem its just in the render settings under anti aliasing …FULL SAMPLE after i tick that its fine :slight_smile:
updated image :

its a bueat mate :smiley:

last render looks a lot better!

Thanks Evil moon and yonzariq!
I think I am done with it .don’t really know what else i should do with it. Any ideas ? :slight_smile: