RobertT, thanks for showing that test. I hadnt thought about using the displacemnet modifer yet, or its possibilities.
Now because of you, I’ve spent the last couple of hours just “playing” with this simple technique. Then pushing selected verts in proportional mode, as well as fiddling with Lattice deformations of the end product.
What’s the difference between this and using “Disp” mapping in the material buttons?
ammusionist: The end result may look the same, but the new modifier actually displaces the mesh geometry, so you can see the effects of the texture right away in the 3d window without having to wait for the render, and you can use the displacements for things like vertex parenting. It also includes vertex group weighting so you can paint your displacment on the mesh, as well as get control over the direction of the displace.
Ohh - Cool.
I’m gonna be using this in the next Animation Challenge!
Watch out for the WIP coming soon.
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Yes, nice scene !
Real displacement mapping is really a powerfull tool.
You can easily sculpt from a texture, but it shows all its power in animations, using avi animated textures, or animating the textures using an Empty or an offset on the material.
I have tried it to create animated water (see the movie named Crazy Boat on my download page) and also Footprints on the sand.
Applying 3d texture like cloud or voronoi and else to a subdivided sphere using and empty as reference allows to create amazing moving Blobs when you move, rotate or resize the empty !
And everything can be controlled in real time in the 3D window… a lot of fun ! :yes:
We can almost forget the Disp button in the Map To panel !
Good test image, RobertT - and I completely agree with you: the instant visual feedback of the modifiers really improve the workflow. Another great example is the EdgeSplit modifier in combination with the Subsurf modifier…
I agree.
The new displacement modifier is really nice.
Just wondering.
If you want to handpaint a displacement map using the blender
paint tools, is there a way to see the displacement real-time or
do you need to resave and reload the map each time?