Rocket powered go cart :)

Hi ive been working on this today its a jet powered go cart, its ment to be just the frame, its not meant to be safe its meant to break records :smiley:
What do you guys think?


I think the intake of the jet is too narrow. Make it flare out, or enlarge it or something. It also seems a little too square. Maybe add some wheels/tires to make it look alot better. Keep it up.

The wheeks/tires are next on my list of things to do :slight_smile:
I meant to give it the sqaure look to emphasise on the β€œframe” design of it, as for the air intake yeah your right il do that :slight_smile: cheers

Heres a small update i sorted the air intake out by making it bigger i have not got time to work on the wheels tonight thats a job for tommorow :slight_smile:


I think it looks a little blocky now after looking at it for a bit

A really cool thing would be to try and fuse ur gocart with a real jet engine like this one.

It may be a bit of hard work but it can serve as a long term goal. And it improves skills alot to actually try and model something from a reference and do it precise.

But I like the idea and just as you said, try and reduce the blockyness.


Thanks for that input, yeah i like the idea of putting that jet engine on it but does anyone know how id do it with the seat in the way? i think i would have to bend the intake around i think. hmm is there any decent tutorials about regarding doing realistic wheels/tires thanks

Since gocart wheels are rather simple in construction you only need to extrude one loopedge of a tube back inside. That is basicly shown here though you need to tweak it to make it look like the image. For other tutorials I would suggest searching Google.

Here is a good reference for a gocart wheel.

thanks for that m8

here a quick update to the cart, ive started adding wheels to it and changed the jet engine around a bit, i decided to use a bit of artistic license here :), also do you think i should put some kind of floor near where the driver sits or is it ok now
