This Character’s Name is Grayson Moon, he was raised in a Ninja community but later then broke of from the society wondering the wilderness and figuring out who he was and what role he played in the world of Pan-Jiao. In the picture he is mid twenties and on a quest to defeat the Seven Elements of this ancient land. The reason he has to overcome these challenges is to regain a power that was stolen from him by the sun element when he walks beyond forbidden Ruins.
So yeah I would appreciate C&C any one
his right arm is too thin… if you look at the left arm, it fills in the rings or w/e they are, like they are tied around his arm, but the right arm is too thin, therefore the ring things should either droop, as they aren’t tied tight enough around his arm, OR his arm is too thin, and needs to be fattened up.
his posture is also questionable, he is kind of twisted, he knees seem too far up/down from the other, and they don’t match the same type of proportion as his hands. His torso seems twisted one way yet his head is another and his legs are too.
also since his legs look nearly the same direction as the other leg, one of the legs IMO should have the spike things pointing in the same direction too,
where are his eyes?
3 stars