So I got this little frog that I somehow managed to rig with Rigify and that works quite okay for me (but probably not for a real animator). My plan is to make a short film with him, problem is that I’ve never like rigging and animation at all so I never learned it apart from some basics I’ve picked up throughout the years half listening to riggers in studios I’ve been at, so my plan is to and animate him by filming myself and using Rokoko to transfer that onto the little guy.
So my first test was to export some example dance animation from Rokoko, importing that into Blender, following this guide to transfer the animation, and what I get is this monstrosity instead. I would laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that I just want it to work.

I just don’t know what’s going on, but I know that there are several potential problems.
Firstly I managed to rig the guy in the wrong scale, he is 2.84m tall which I guess my logic when I rigged this a year ago was that it’s 10x the size of what my end result should be and that is how I will render him, but in hindsight is that I should have done him in his real scale, aka 2.84dm, since that will work better with the rest of my assets, the aperture on the camera etc etc. The scale of the Rokoko rig is normal human size. Not sure how much of a problem the wrong scale is? Can I just transferring the animation from Rokoko on to him and then scale him down by 0.1 later and it’ll be fine?
Another potential problem that I see is that the bones in Rokoko rig seems to be flipped, is that a problem?
And lastly, my frog have that extra backwards bendy thing in the lower parts, which I for some reason have named ankle (the upper selected bone in the screenshot) to foot_fk and the first part of the foot (lower selected in the screenshot) to be the toe. Though I guess technically that is correct, I mean compared to us humans most animals walk on their “toes” right? Are both the extra bend and the wronglyish named (and also rigged) bones a problem for Rokoko transfering? Tbh that part looks kinda fine to me, but it might cause problems later on?
Guess I could also ask if there is an easier and maybe better way of doing this filming/transferring this than Rokoko?
I’ll probably have more questions later on, but I guess these will do for now