How would I go about creating a rolled up piece of fabric. I want to create a banner that is rolled up and hung from the top of the screen, that drops and unrolls down?
I have scoured the internet and have not found any tutorials.
How would I go about creating a rolled up piece of fabric. I want to create a banner that is rolled up and hung from the top of the screen, that drops and unrolls down?
I have scoured the internet and have not found any tutorials.
its really easy to be honest. i have rigged up a quick video and a .blend to show you. If you have a look at any cloth dynamics tutorial everything you need is there.
Just create a plane and shape it to how you want your flag to start. weight paint the top edge to 1 so it will hang from that point. change the material settings to suit etc and render.
(N.B. the more you subdivide your plane the smoother the cloth will move but it will also increase render times.)
a word of warning though, if you add self collisions it will dramatically increase render times and the cloth has to be a minimum of .5 of a blender unit apart otherwise it causes some really strange reactions.
the video is just uploading atm so i will attach once its finished
cloth roll.blend (587 KB)
thank you bacon. I have another question for you. I downloaded the blend file and look through the options and settings. I did not see how you rolled the plain. could you explain this for me? thanks
yeah i just modelled it quickly. just added a plane to the scene then kept extruding it in a spiral formation to simulate it actually being rolled lol. thought it would be alot easier than modelling it flat and then trying to roll it
yeah a curve modifier would be better but im not sure whether it would interfere with the cloth simulation is all
apply it
it works fine, tested it three times now
to get it to work, make a plane, and use array on it, otherwise it’ll start doing weird.
before you enable the cloth sim, apply all current modifiers, and your result should be fine.
my problem with modeling is that the fabric will get far too long.
haha yeah its a bit hard to keep the quads consistent when you model it rolled lol looks like we are all learning something new