He was a great leader, one of our finest presidents. May he rest in peace, and his memory not be forgotten.
I think many people here are too young to care
I am kind of on the edge of that, but I agree with your comment entirely
He was a powerful person in the fight against communism, greatly aiding my country regain independence. May he rest in peace.
I wonder what citizens of former East Germany, USSR and other communist countries thought about Reagan? I was too young at the time but people in the US (especially liberals and Democrats) probably a very different idea of him, based on his domestic policies and legacy-- the current powerful Republican party and the Republican control of government and taking a lot of voters away from the Democratic party. Though I think everyone has significant respect for him as a public figure and leader.
He was a good president… I felt sorry for him when he said he had the begining symptoms of alzheimer’s. May he rest in piece.
He rebuilt the economy, he defined the government in the 80s. He was a great president, but it was his time to go. We don’t see many deaths like this in our lifetimes, he will and has been missed.
Hey, have a little respect for the deaad don’t turn this into a Reagan bash keep it positive please.
Don’t even reply to it.
I feel great sympathy for the reagan family, my own family suffers from an extremely rare form of dementia called Frontal Lobe Dementia. It’s hereditary and quite fast in it’s on set. And come on young (usually 60s).
It’s a sad diasese.
NO! Don’t let it happen to you Ditto! Eat lots of vegetables :D. Take your vitamins (going overboard here…)
It’s interesting that Reagan was vilified today just as much as G.Bush for trying to put Pershing missles Europe to fight the Soviets. On his european tour ppl in Europe staged anti-US demonstrations and called the US the aggressor - that we should just leave the communist Soviet union alone. But reagan was a man with a vision of the future and a knowledge of history. He was a great leader and a great American.
It’s interesting to read some of his speechs and get a feel for his idealism. I personally believe that he was a man of great courage and vision.
These are a few docs from NRO.
Reagan’s speech to the British Parliment http://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan200406100912.asp
Reagan speech to Eureka college http://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan200406091029.asp
Reagan commencement speech to Notre Dame http://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan200406091024.asp
Thatcher’s comments on Reagan http://www.nationalreview.com/flashback/thatcher200406051836.asp
Challenger disasterhttp://www.nationalreview.com/document/challenger200406061549.asp
Reagan address to Moscow state U http://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan_moscow200406070914.asp
Reagan’s announcement of his disease http://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan_sunset200406070915.asp
Reagan speach at the Berlin wallhttp://www.nationalreview.com/document/reagan_berlin200406070934.asp
As a side note I can’t help compare this man with the G.Bush that is in office now. They both see their enemies as evil and are men of action. Both have been vilified by the europeans and hollywood. (this is just my opinion - i know other feel differently). I think that Reagan had something though that really made him ‘unique’ - and that’s a special ‘charm’. He was the great communicator (in some constrast to bush). You can see it in his speeches.
Anyway good bless and farewell.
How many Centroamericans died while Reagan was president?
It’s understandable that opinions may be different outside US. Now he can rest in peace after 10 years of Alzheimer.
Fewer than now LIVE under free democratically elected Governments in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Well, that was a cinical comment. But the dead are still dead.
The dead may be dead, but not in vain.