The roof is a separate group.
As you can see, I made the roof sides stick out -0.3000 Blender units, but that is only on two of the sides. On the remaining sides, I want to do the same thing, but I can’t get it to be the same angle as the roof. I tried “Draw Angles” in Edit Mode, but I can’t do anything with that…
Here is a picture:
I want it to be the same surface as the roof itself, and I tried moving it manually, but it doesn’t display the same angle values… they are WAY off.
I know Blender isn’t an architects tool, but they should at least have stuff that allows you to make stuff equal on all sides, on the correct angles, etc.
Hello, I did all of the above, but when I extrude along X, it looks like this.
I could just move it so it LOOKS right, but I want it to BE right, like to be the same exact angle as the roof. This method doesn’t work for some reason.
EDIT: It worked, but it still isn’t at the same angle as the roof. Let me say this: I want it to be EXACTLY the same angle as the roof, EXACTLY 100%.
MCollet, it still doesn’t do it exactly at the same angle. However, I deeply appreciate you helping in such a specific situation.
treaktor, that method seems to work fine. If I use the measurements tool, I can get it to be my exact specifications. Thank you a lot, both of you guys.
The method I outlined is an exact solution to the problem as posed, and I would not have suggested it otherwise. If you are getting the angles wrong, you are probably still not extruding along the correct axis.
Having said that, starting with the full-size roof and insetting the eaves is indeed a superior overall modelling strategy to adding the eaves on as an afterthought.
Press control Tab, and choose “face” for the Mesh Select Mode.
Press alt Space, and choose “Normal”
Now select a roof face.
Press control alt Space to create a custom transform orientation.
or click the “Create” button under “Transform Orientations” in the 3d View Properties panel (the “n” key toggles this panel) a new orientation will be created called “Face”
Now using this new orientation, select the roof edge you want to extend, press “e” to extrude, then press escape. now press g then y,y to move the edge on your custom orientation.
There seems to be some weirdness with creating custom orientations: you can’t use it for an extrude operation? that’s why above I say to extrude, then press escape and use g to move the edge you just extruded.
also extra custom orientations are created if you choose your own name, or choose “Use after creation” but these are just annoyances, it is usable.
Maybe you are making things a bit too difficult for yourself.
Create an edge between the top of the roof and the extruded part. Then go to front or side view and move the extruded part along the z-axis until the edge you created overlaps with the original edges from the roof. This might not bee 100% exact, but it will be close enough, so that no one can see the difference.