Rotate an HDRI for Blender 2.8 -2.9x

Thank you very much for your prompt response. Your suggested solution worked, and issue resolved!

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Glad to hear that! If Gumroad does not return your money, let me know.

Thanks for this addon, would it be possible to make it work in parallel with Gaffer addon. It seems it doesn’t recognise the mapping node inserted by Gaffer. If it’s not possible I totally understand.

I’ll check it.

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Thank you, it must be something about how Gaffer “registers” the nodes because sun position addon is not working with Gaffers nodes too.

Added the Gaffer add-on support.

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Hi Mephist0
I bought your addon and really like it , simple yet effective!
I have some features request:

  • Make the angle value consistent between what is diplayed on the viewport and on the viewport shading panel
  • Is it possible to update the rotation in the Gaffer addon using your addon?I mean now it rotates the Hdri (and that`s great!) but it does not update the rotation value in the gaffer panel
  • Add an option via shortcut to rotate the Hdri with 10 or 15 degree step (like the object rotation works in Blender).
    Maybe too much…feel free to do what you can/want!
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Thanks for your support and feedback! I’m going to try add this features to the next update.

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:+1: Thank you!

Small update.

  • Are now displayed real angle value.
  • Improved the Gaffer add-on support.
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I can’t find solution for add step rotation right now, maybe later.

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Woww sooo fast!! Thanks a lot!!

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Ok, no problem, whenever you`ll have time to look at it is fine!
Have a nice day

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Excellent addon, very useful.
Unless I meet an issue. My default scene has an hdri with a node “Mapping”. When I load my default scene the addon doesn’t work, I need to delete the “Mapping” node and recreate it.
Is it a way to fix it ?

amazing work… thanks so much for this… and works perfectly with Easy HDRI out of the box…

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hi Mephist0 : this addon is very amazing, But can you add a little bit of functionality, if i want to move the scene lights object Using RaH addon, How do I add code? like hdri_angle1 =[“Light”].rotation.euler[0] hdri_angle2 =[“Light”].rotation.euler[2]

Hi, I usually parent light sources to an empty for this. I wouldn’t like to add extra functionality not related to hdri

This addon is absolutely incredible, however, I’ve been getting this error recently :frowning:

How can I reproduce this error?

Hi! I’m trying to find a way to make a hotkey for rotation the studiolights in the viewport when the “Make lights fixed and not follow the camera” buttom is active. Would this addon would allow me to have a hotkey for that?