So i followed a great tutorial on how to make vines with leaves and thorns using geometry nodes, the only problem is that the tutorial focused only on the vine.
The issue now is that when i create a bezier curve and draw it on my object (a rock), some of the vines leaves pass into the rock.
How do i make sure that the rotation of the leaves on the faces of the vine created by the bezier curve is still random while not pointing towards the surface of the rock.
example - i enlarged the leaf for a better idea of what i’m trying to avoid
i would include a screenshot of the section of geo nodes that set the rotation of instances on the vine faces but i am a new user so i can only upload one image
Anyway, that’s the general idea , you might need to find ways to adapt that to your case…
When it comes to learning geometry nodes I always recommend to not focus too much on the end result at first but rather study the main nodes carefully to really understand the core concepts…
Once you get there you should start to be able to solve basic problems, and that’s about the right time where you can start to focus on getting useful tools that you might use in your projects as opposed to tests scenes.
What I mean by that is that’s not super important if you don’t succeed to finish the wine setup as long as you learned a few nodes and get a clear idea of what they do…
When I started I tend to do a lot of small test just like the .blend I send you, focusing on one problem / nodes at a time… Eventually with a strong foundation it’s way easier to build more complex stuff…
Thankyou for replying to my post, i really appreciate the time and effort you have put into helping me out
originally i was fine with my result even though the leaves were going inside of the rock BUT the intended purpose is to use them in a low poly game - every leaf that disappeared inside added to the poly count hence my desire to find the solution.
I hear you!! learning WHAT the geometry nodes each do is the overall goal and i look forward to trying out all of the different nodes, eventually being able to come up with my own ideas.